Scary. We just had WAY too many toys. The kids were digging through the bins and dumping stuff out to get to a few things. Then I got mean and ruthless with the toys and got rid of a TON. Okay maybe just 2 boxes and I didn't tell my kids what I got rid of either. I just decided that if it didn't fit into these 5 toys organizer than it had to go.
The bins are the Trofast organizers from Ikea that I primed and painted with white enamel paint. They had ones already painted white but they didn't have the grooves for the bins they had plastic things as tracks that didn't seem as durable. The striped rug is the Ikea Strib rug. LOVE it. It's so soft and the kids love the lines to drive cars on or line army men up for battle. I can't find it on their website but maybe they still have it at the store.
I also gave 2 boxes of books to the bookstore. The room stays SO SO SO much cleaner. If you can't keep your kids toys picked up then they probably have too many.
The bookshelf was one of those oak laminate ones from the 90's that I painted teal. The wooden elephants are from Thailand. The elephant fabric used in the curtains and pillow is Premier prints elephants in chartreuse. Love that fabric. No clue about the orange fabric it was in my fabric stash forever.
The READ letters are from Michael's and I painted them red. The square canvas is the alphabet and I bought it at Target for $20. The number print is from Ink Tree Press. The silhouette art I made and details can be found here. The book bin I got were made at a woodshop in Japan but I've seen similar plans over at Ana-White.
Details about the playroom chalkboard can be found here.